
Grace Fellowship International

 We welcome and invite you to connect with Grace Fellowship International


Grace Fellowship International (GFI) is a non-denominational, multicultural partnership designed to provide a covering and fellowship to those senior pastors and ministries across denominational lines and cultures that seek and recognize the need for a fatherly or mentoring covenant relationship.

GFI does not require any senior pastor or 5-fold ministry gift to leave or resign from an existing covenant connection with a spiritual father or organization. Yet, GFI welcomes pastors and churches who are independent and without denominational affiliations to insure covering and community for credibility in the Body of Christ. We will provide mentorship, fellowship and wisdom to add and strengthen you in your purpose with a spiritual covering.

GFI does not and will not employ authoritative jurisdiction over its membership. Grace Fellowship International operates as an independent sustainable ministry that offers its members sound counsel, guidance, and oversight upon request. Our goal is to add value and further enrich your spiritual assignment. We believe that every senior pastor or 5-fold minister has direct oversight of the congregations they steward, and therefore GFI will provide a covenant fellowship for the purpose of nurturing you, as you nurture your congregation.

Our Senior Pastor is available to assist and offer direction for a church or ministry upon invitation of the Senior Pastor and official Governmental Board. Our visionary promotes and imparts leadership fitness for mental and emotional stability, for discipline, and for spiritual devotion. This serves to catapult your ministry with a spirit of readiness and momentum!

To release a worshipful fragrance that will liberate and make known the person and presence of God in our churches and local communities. This introduction will cause the lost to embrace the light.


To provide divine spiritual connection to pastors and leaders that will be a support network for fellowship and wisdom. To foster a non-threatening environment that will cultivate balanced growth within the pastor so that faith, competence and confidence will characterize the churches and ministries they lead.


OUR AIM AND GOAL (Isaiah 54:2-5):
The aim/goal of Grace Fellowship International is to promote acceleration and spiritual growth through fellowship; to nurture an understanding of the importance of building a faith-filled legacy that will root out any hindrances to advancement, and that will overtake blessings and promises that will not only be evident to everyone — but also perpetual.


The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God. (

II Timothy 3:16, Acts 1:2-3)

There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. (Genesis 1:26 AMP, II Corinthians 1:2; 13:14)

In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and conformable death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return to this earth in power and glory to rule a thousand years. (Matthew 16:13-16, Revelation 20:4, Philippians 3:10)

In the blessed hope, which is the rapture of the church at Christ’s coming. (Titus 2:13, I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ. (I Peter 1:18-19)

Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation. (John 3:3-5)

The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer. (I Peter 2:24)

The baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it. (Acts 2:39)

In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by who’s indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life. (Galatians 5:16)

In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation. (John 5:28-29)



  1. A fatherly and/or Pastoral covenant covering
  2. Apostolic insight and impartation
  3. Corporate anointing
  4. Strengthening of one’s self and ministry
  5. Sharing of wisdom, insight and knowledge as a powerful tool in enhancing your spiritual gifts, thereby being an asset to the Body of Christ
  6. Networking and peer association among pastors and ministers
  7. Credibility through association
  8. Exclusive teleconferencing with Dr. Steven Hodge
  9. Mentorship
  10. Access to resources for empowerment
  11. Leadership Training
  12. The Shepherd’s Mantle (Pastoral Administration & Ethics Training)


  1. Model a lifestyle of faith, integrity, and separated holiness unto God and His Ordinances
  2. Your attendance at events held specifically for Fellowship members
  3. Adherence to set guidelines, policies and standards of operation as it pertains to the Fellowship
  4. Willingness to pray without ceasing for the Fellowship, the vision, and the visionary
  5. Support and agree with the vision as it has been imparted by the visionary NOTE:Your level of commitment to the vision is determined (predicated on) by the level of your understanding of the vision!
  6. Embrace the heart of a true son/daughter seeking a fatherly covering and covenant
  7. Embody a yearning for discipleship with a teachable spirit
  8. Encompass a disposition of acceptance when correction from the leader is needed and employ the necessary changes
  9. Possess an insatiable hunger and thirst for spiritual growth, development, insight, and enlightenment (Matthew 16:24)
  10. Membership fee annually of $100.00
  11. Accountability for maximum growth personally and in ministry

GFI will provide for those of the 5 – Fold Ministry, official services that will announce public Ecclesiastical orders, offices and appointments upon sufficient biblical qualification in ministry. There is an examination process that will reveal full proof of your ministry that will bring credibility to your elevation.


  1. Demonstrated self-discipline as outlined in Colossians 3
  2. Recognition of the importance of operating in the ministry of excellence
  3. Must promote the vision of the visionary to the fullest extent
  4. Must make a public acknowledgement of your affiliation with the Fellowship
  5. Must respect, honor, and follow guidelines as set by the visionary/leader
  6. Must exhibit an exemplary life of dedication and commitment to Christ
  7. Must embrace a general belief in the tenets of our faith
  8. Must have a definitive call to the ministry in at least one of the fivefold components/offices
  9. Must remain above reproach
  10. Must recognize that the fellowship reserves the right at any time to disengage your membership with cause.


  • Complete Application provided and submit
  • Letter of Intent (why you desire a connection with the Fellowship); please include your ministry’s vision and goals
  • Submit at least two letters of references/recommendations from two credentialed senior pastors
  • Do not submit the $100.00 membership fee until after you receive notification of connection approval.
  • Upon notification of connection approval, there will be an annual Fellowship administrative fee which allows us to fulfill and maintain our mission of promoting quality services and materials to each member.
  • A formal commencement ceremony will ensue whereby you will officially receive your Fellowship membership identification card.


  • All components of the Membership requirements must be received by the Grace Worship Center Church office prior to the Fellowship Committee review
  • Allow 4-6 weeks for the process of review to be completed
  • We will notify you and your ministry promptly with the Fellowship Committee’s decision thereafter.
  • If accepted and inducted into the fellowship, a formal ceremony will commence
  • Grace Fellowship International screening process is non-discriminatory as it pertains to race, ethnicity, and/or denominational background.